Hotel Sadova, Gdańsk
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Your safety is our priority

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  3. Your safety is our priority
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Hotel Sadova, Gdańsk
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Your safety is our priority

Below you will find some of the procedures we have implemented that aim to protect the health and safety of our guests and employees as well as possible, and reduce the risk of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreading.

In order to secure your stay, we have taken the following steps:

  • hand disinfectants have been prepared at the reception and in common places,
  • we have also put an information in toilets of how to wash and disinfect hands and how to safely put on and take off face masks and gloves,
  • hotel employees are required to maintain an appropriate distance between guests and other employees,
  • a protecting glass was installed at the reception, which additionally protects guests and employees against droplet infection,
  • public parts are disinfected every hour or more often,
  • before arrival your room will be subjected to additional air disinfection by ozonation,
  • the Papieroovka Cider Garden restaurant has been prepared in accordance with current government decisions, so that you can eat comfortably and safely.
Hotel Sadova, Gdańsk
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